Sleep Tips that work!

Get Exercise!

Your body was born to move and not stay still all of the time.  Movement is important to get your circulation up and get things going in your body, including your bowel movements. Being tired out and not constipated helps you sleep better. You'll also sleep for longer.


Magnesium promotes better sleep by regulating neurotransmitters, relaxing muscles, and aiding in the production of sleep-inducing hormones, offering a natural solution for a restful night's sleep.

Dim Your Lights

Dimming lights before bed signals our bodies to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone, facilitating a smoother transition to a restful night. This practice helps align our circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep quality and overall well-being.

What Else?

Your Diet

Avoiding citrus or spicy foods before bed is crucial as they can cause acid reflux, disrupting sleep by triggering discomfort and potential disturbances throughout the night. Opting for lighter, easily digestible options, even complex carbs ensures a more peaceful and uninterrupted night's rest.


Avoiding caffeine past 12 pm is essential for optimal sleep as its stimulant effects can linger for hours, hindering the ability to unwind and achieve restful slumber. By limiting caffeine intake in the afternoon, we promote a smoother transition into a deep and rejuvenating sleep.

Lower Your Temperature

Lowering the temperature at night by 1 or 2 degrees enhances sleep by creating a cooler, more comfortable environment that aligns with the body's natural cooling process during sleep cycles, facilitating a deeper and more restorative rest.

Consider the "right" Sleep Items

Mattresses, Pillows, and Sheets

"Choosing the right bed, pillow, and sheets is paramount for a restful night's sleep. A well-suited mattress supports proper spinal alignment, while the right pillow caters to individual sleep preferences and minimizes discomfort.

Opting for breathable cotton sheets enhances comfort, promoting optimal airflow and temperature regulation, ensuring a conducive sleep environment for a rejuvenated and blissful night's rest."

Check out our Best mattresses, pillow and Bedding Pages on our website.

"Depending on how your sleep style is, you'll need a certain firmness and pillow. Also, if you have pain points or health issues, those will also play a part in deciding what is best for your sleep and body's well-being."

Luv My Sleep~ Crystal Knutson

Dreamscape Log: Chronicles of Night and Rest

Why should you do a bed-time journal?!

Journaling positive aspects of your day before bed can be a powerful ritual for several reasons. Reflecting on positive experiences helps shift your focus from stressors to moments of gratitude, fostering a more optimistic mindset.

By keeping tabs on the moon's position in the sky, you'll foster a deeper connection with the natural world beyond our bustling digital landscapes. 

"Introducing our Bed-Time Gratitude Moon tracking Journal—a transformative companion for winding down and tracking what happened in the day and night. Immerse yourself in gratitude to unwind the day, fostering a peaceful mindset that not only enhances sleep quality but also diminishes anxiety. Elevate your bedtime routine with this journal, and embrace the power of gratitude for a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Also, track your dreams, and plan your week ahead, as well as where the moon is each night."

Click on the Link to see all of the details of our Dreamscape Log: Chronicles of Night and Rest!

Make your Room Pitch Black!

You need the dark for optimal sleep...

"Transform your sleep sanctuary into a pitch-black haven for unparalleled rest. Embrace the cocoon of darkness with blackout curtains, blocking out external light for a deeper, more rejuvenating sleep experience.

 Enhance your bedroom ambiance further with motion-activated lights, ensuring you navigate peacefully during nighttime without disrupting your melatonin production.

Explore optimal solutions at our Luv My Sleep Amazon Store, where we curate top-notch blackout curtains and innovative lighting options to help you create the perfect, tranquil sleep environment."

No Pets in your Bedroom...

Yep, it'll be hard but worth it!

"Ensure undisturbed sleep by considering a pet-free zone in your bedroom. While our furry friends bring joy, their movements at night might disrupt your rest.

To prioritize uninterrupted sleep, it's best to establish boundaries, preventing pets from wandering the house at the same level.

Create a peaceful sleeping environment for both you and your pets by designating separate spaces, guaranteeing a night of undisrupted rest for everyone."

Your pet will still sleep great and you'll be so much more rested the next day!

Create a Tranquil Sleep Environment!

Did you know?

Crafting a tranquil sleep environment is pivotal for optimal rest and overall well-being. Embrace serene hues, invest in comfortable bedding, and eliminate disruptive noise to transform your bedroom into a haven of tranquility.

Dim the lights, consider soothing scents, and minimize screen time before bed for a calming pre-sleep routine.

Prioritize creating a peaceful oasis to unwind, ensuring a restorative night's sleep that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the day."

"Elevate your sleep sanctuary with aesthetics that cultivate an oasis-like tranquility. Integrate plants for a touch of nature, fostering a calming atmosphere.

Opt for light-colored sheets to create an airy and soothing ambianceand consider decluttering to evoke a sense of serenity and introduce comforting textures like plush rugs or throw blankets for added coziness. By curating a harmonious blend of elements, you can transform your bedroom into a serene retreat, enhancing both the aesthetics and the quality of your rest.

Explore our affiliate partner, Raymour & Flanigan, and discover ways to turn your space into a serene oasis.

♥ Made With Sleep in Mind